Today, communities across the United States are walking or biking as part of the 25th annual National Walk to School Day, a celebration highlighting the importance of safe, active travel.

In 2009, 203,000 children ages 15 and younger were injured in motor vehicles crashes; 15,000 of those injured were pedestrians (NHTSA, 2011). Priority must be placed on making it possible for everyone to walk safely, especially in neighborhoods and school zones.

To reduce the risk of injury:

  • Children and adults need to learn safe walking and bicycling skills.
  • Drivers need to watch for others using the road.
  • Safety problems along routes to school need to be fixed.
NovoaGlobal’s School Zone Speed-Safe 
NovoaGlobal helps communities change driver behavior by enforcing speed limits in school zones. Communities with safety problems have enforcement options including NovoaGlobal’s School Zone Speed-Safe, an automated enforcement solution that monitors vehicles that speed in school zones and sends a notice of violation to offenders, thus curbing dangerous driving that can injure our most vulnerable population – our children. 

To find out more about how NovoaGlobal’s School Zone Speed-Safe can keep your children safe, contact our photo enforcement experts at 888-666-4218, Ext. 6 for East Coast and Ext. 7 for West Coast.  We can also be reached at [email protected]

To learn more about Safe Routes to School and strategies for turning your Walk and Bike to School Day events into long-term efforts to promote safe walking and bicycling every day, visit