NovoaGlobal Reminds Drivers to Stop for Trains
Rail Safety Week September 19-25, 2022
Rail Grade Crossing – Stop. Trains Can’t – Campaign (September 12 – December 14, 2022)
The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), Federal Transit Administration (FTA), and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) have launched a national rail grade crossing safety ad campaign to increase public awareness about being safe around rail grade tracks, and reduce crossing deaths and injuries. The goal of this campaign is to raise awareness about the need for rail-safety education and empower the general public to keep themselves and others safe near highway-rail grade crossings and railroad rights-of-way.
The campaign kicks off Rail Safety Week, which is September 19-25, 2022. Stop. Trains Can’t. The campaign aims to remind drivers to yield or stop at highway-rail grade crossings and to be alert for approaching light rail transit. The campaign focuses on reducing collisions, deaths, and injuries at freight and commuter train and rail transit train crossings. NHTSA wants drivers to understand that it’s their responsibility to know and obey their state and local rail crossing laws.
NovoaGlobal’s Railroad-Safe™ Systems Help Remind Drivers to Stop for Trains in South Florida
NovoaGlobal is working with Brightline to educate drivers and create a safer community by saving lives and decreasing accidents, by reminding drivers to yield or stop at railroad crossings and be alert for the approach of light rail transit.
The contracted program for the railroad photo enforcement warning system detects and records the vehicle and tag number of vehicles who disregard the railroad warning signals and drive through the crossing gates while the signal beacons are flashing, the crossing arm is moving and trains are approaching.
The contracted program for the railroad photo enforcement warning system detects and records the vehicle and tag number of vehicles who disregard the railroad warning signals and drive through the crossing gates while the signal beacons are flashing, the crossing arm is moving and trains are approaching.
Railroad-Safe™ enforces state and federal statutes, such as stopping 15 ft. from rail crossings, not proceeding through the crossing gate, nor entering the crossing without space to clear, as well as mandatory stopping for buses and trucks. With Railroad-Safe™, all motorists learn to exercise caution around the tracks.
As a Vision Zero traffic safety solution, Railroad-Safe™ prevents rail-related fatalities by warning and educating drivers. Operated at railroad crossings, the traffic safety system is used to reduce the number of traffic violations and therefore decrease the risk of vehicle accidents, collect information, and educate the public. NovoaGlobal’s photo enforcement-based driver education program is shown to be successful in reducing the number of railroad crossing violations. According to the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), the majority of railroad crossing collisions can be prevented.
Interested in using automated enforcement in your community? Contact Us: 888-666-4218, Ext. 6 for East Coast and Ext. 7 for West Coast. We can also be reached at [email protected]
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