Labor Day Traffic
Labor Day Holiday Period Estimate for 2022 The National Safety Council (NSC) estimates 456 people may die on U.S. roads this Labor Day holiday period. This year’s holiday fatality estimate is...
World Bicycle Day
NovoaGlobal Supports Cyclist Safety NovoaGlobal supports World Bicycle Day on June 3rd. The day was chosen to celebrate “the uniqueness, longevity and versatility of the bicycle” by the United Nations...
Memorial Day We Remember and Honor
Memorial Day is traditionally a solemn day to remember and honor those soldiers who have lost theirs lives by placing flowers and flags on their graves. Originally called Decoration Day,...
National Police Week 2022
We Honor Law Enforcement Lost in the Line of Duty What is National Police Week? National Police Week occurs every May and is a collaborative effort of many organizations dedicated to...
Railroad Crossing Awareness
Stop. Trains Can’t. Rail Grade Crossing Campaign / Stop. Trains Can’t. From March 22 – April 12, 2022, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), Federal Transit Administration (FTA),...
NovoaGlobal Celebrates Women
Your Contributions are Invaluable! This month NovoaGlobal takes the opportunity to Celebrate and Thank the women who contribute to NovoaGlobal’s success. Every day, the women at NovoaGlobal provide powerful...