Happy Anniversary NovoaGlobal
A YEAR AGO TODAY WE CHANGED OUR NAME Today, we celebrate what would have been our namesake Eduardo Novoa’s 101st birthday and the 1st Anniversary of our name change! Eduardo Novoa is...
Daylight Savings Ends November 1
Daylight Saving Time ends on Sunday, November 1, 2020, at 2:00 A.M. On Saturday night, set your clocks back one hour (i.e., gaining one hour) to “fall back.” As night time comes earlier,...
Stop. Trains Can’t.
Rail Grade Crossings Awareness October 5 – November 8, 2020 Although accidents at railroad crossings are an old problem, the problem is easily avoidable. This campaign is a focused effort to reverse...
Speeding Response Times
SPEEDING October is Pedestrian Safety Awareness Month. Speeding affects your ability to stop. Speeding directly affects reaction time and thinking distance to stop (even if you are alert and attentive)....
Hispanic Heritage Month
As a Minority-Owned Business, NovoaGlobal Celebrates National Hispanic Heritage Month September 15 to October 15 is National Hispanic American Heritage Month “During National Hispanic Heritage Month, the U.S. government celebrates the...
Walk to School Day
OCTOBER 7, 2020 NovoaGlobal celebrates Walk to School Day on October 7, 2020. Since 1997, communities have been coming together for Walk to School Day. Safe Routes to School (SRTS)...