Winter Driving Prep
Tips for a Safe Winter Season
Winter weather is here. Are you and your vehicle ready?
Slow down and take your time driving in winter weather conditions.
Whether it’s snow, sleet or ice, winter weather can cause extremely dangerous road conditions. According to NHTSA, in 2022 there were 498 fatal traffic crashes, and an estimated 32,213 injury crashes that occurred when there was snow/sleet conditions at the time of the crash. Preparing yourself – and your vehicle – for winter weather is key.
Here are some Tips for Vehicle Preparedness:
- Emergency Kit for your vehicle with extra clothing, blankets, food and water
- At least half a tank of fuel in your vehicle at all times
- Tires properly inflated and with sufficient tread
- Cell phone charges and a charging cord in the vehicle
Slow Down – Slow down. It’s harder to control or stop your vehicle on a slick or snow-covered surface. In fact, in 2022 there were an estimated 153,620 police reported traffic crashes that occurred when there was snow/sleet conditions at the time of the crash. On the road, increase your following distance enough so that you’ll have plenty of time to stop for vehicles ahead of you.
Tires – As the outside temperature drops, so does tire inflation pressure. Make sure each tire is filled to the vehicle manufacturer’s recommended inflation pressure, which is in your owner’s manual and on a label located on the driver’s side door frame. Do not inflate your tires to the pressure listed on the tire itself. That number is the maximum pressure the tire can hold, not the recommended pressure for the your vehicle. Also inspect your tires for wear.
Brakes – Familiarize yourself with the safety technologies on your vehicle and how they perform in wintry conditions. Know whether your vehicle has an antilock brake system and learn how to use it properly. Antilock brake systems prevent your wheels from locking up during braking. If you have antilock brakes, apply firm, continuous pressure to the brake pedal. If you don’t have antilock brakes, you may need to pump your brakes if you feel your wheels starting to lock up.
Avoid Risky Driving Behaviors – You know the rules: Do not text or drive distracted; obey posted speed limits; and always drive sober. Both alcohol and drugs can impair safe and responsible driving by affecting things such as coordination, judgment, perception, and reaction time. And remember: always wear your seat belt.
Contact Us
NovoaGlobal Creates Safer Communities – Using automated enforcement such as red light and speed traffic safety cameras in your community helps change bad driving habits. Interested in finding out how automated photo enforcement can help keep your community safe? Contact Us: 888-666-4218, Ext. 6 for East Coast and Ext. 7 for West Coast. We can also be reached at [email protected]
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