Stop On Red Week 2023
This week reminds us to Obey the Red Light - STOP on RED
Stop on Red Week is a reminder that we, at NovoaGlobal, take red light running very seriously. We support communities across America with enforcement technology that reduces red light running and speeding so that everyone makes it home safely. According to IIHS, Red light safety cameras have been shown to reduce both red light violations and crashes.
Speeding is a major cause of red-light running crashes and drivers, passengers, pedestrians, cyclists and other vulnerable road users all suffer needlessly. Stopping for red lights is something all of us can do to save lives and make our communities safer.
Does Red Light Enforcement Work?
We hope one day there will be no need for red light cameras, injuries and deaths from red light running will no longer be an issue and everyone will obey the law of their own accord. Until that day, red light photo enforcement is a tool available to communities to keep their families safe.
A series of IIHS studies in different communities found that red light violations are reduced significantly with cameras. Institute studies in Oxnard, California, and Fairfax, Virginia, reported reductions in red light violation rates of about 40 percent after the introduction of red light safety cameras (Retting et al., 1999; Retting et al., 1999). In addition to the decrease in red light running at camera-equipped sites, the effect carried over to nearby signalized intersections not equipped with cameras.
A more recent IIHS study in Arlington, Va., also found significant reductions in red light violations at camera intersections one year after ticketing began (McCartt & Hu, 2014). These reductions were greater the more time had passed since the light turned red, when violations are more likely to result in crashes.
Personal Pledge
This week take the personal pledge to STOP On RED. Let’s work together to stop red light running in our communities.
Contact Our Red light Enforcement Experts:
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