Automated speed enforcement should be widely used to reduce speeding, according to the Road to Zero Coalition

The Road to Zero Coalition Proposed Position:

Automated speed enforcement should be widely used to reduce speeding. A comprehensive speed strategy including strong laws, high visibility enforcement and education is needed to reduce injuries and fatalities on our roads. Speed limits should be set using methods that prioritize safety for all road users, rather than mobility alone. While enforcement is the best way to get drivers to comply with any law, it is impossible for police to be at every location. Properly implemented automated speed enforcement is one tool that has been shown to be effective in reducing speed-related crashes. When using these programs, local governments should incorporate best practices to gain public trust and ensure safety benefits are being realized.

Supporters of Road to Zero Coalition Priority Statement on Automated Speed Enforcement:

To find out more and sign up with the National Safety Council and Road to Zero campaign.

Find out how NovoaGlobal’s Speed-Safe and School Zone Speed-Safe provides the automated speed enforcement solution sought by the Road the Zero Coalition  – Contact Us: Call 888-666-4218, Ext. 6 East Coast, and Ext. 7 West Coast or [email protected]