Rail Safety Week 2024
See Tracks? Think Train
A person or vehicle is struck by a train roughly once every three hours. At NovoaGlobal, we take railroad safety seriously.
Railroad Tragedy Facts
Preliminary Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) data show:
270 people were killed or injured at railroad grade crossings, up 16 percent from 232 in 2013.
915 pedestrians were killed or injured while walking on or near railroad tracks in 2014, up 6 percent from 863 in 2013.
Learn more about grade crossing or trespassing statistics in your state.
Safety Recommendations
From those trespassing on railroad tracks for a shortcut or recreation, to drivers trying to beat the train at a grade crossing, people don’t realize important facts about safe behavior around railroad tracks:
A typical freight train can take more than a mile to stop, even when emergency brakes are applied – the distance of 18 football fields!
It’s never safe to stop closer than 15 feet from rails, and a train is at least three feet wider than tracks on both sides. 95 percent of all rail-related deaths involve drivers trying to beat a train, or people trespassing on railroad tracks.
More than 50 percent of people injured or killed while trespassing on railroad tracks have drugs or alcohol in their system.
Railroad tracks are private property, and walking on them is trespassing – it’s illegal and dangerous; you risk being ticketed and fined, seriously injured or killed.
NovoaGlobal Railroad-Safe
NovoaGlobal’s Railroad-Safe™ changes driver’s bad habits using automated railroad enforcement technology at railroad crossings located in Orlando, Florida on Princeton Road and along the Brightline Railway from Miami to Melbourne. These systems are saving lives everyday by issuing warnings to drivers who ignore the flashing red lights and crossing bars.
Contact Us
Interested in using automated railroad enforcement using a Vision Zero approach in your community? Contact Us: 888-666-4218, Ext. 6 for East Coast and Ext. 7 for West Coast. We can also be reached at [email protected]
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