Saving Lives Using Automated Enforcement

Today, we celebrate 15 years of saving lives and creating safer communities for families. From 2010 to the present, NovoaGlobal has been solely engaged in the implementation of automated enforcement programs, specifically involving the implementation and operation of primarily red-light, school zone speed, and speed enforcement.

Advanced Technology Only From NovoaGlobal

We also specialize in advanced technology such as Stop Sign Enforcement which is used in Washington, DC as well as Center Point, Alabama. Other specialized enforcement technology includes Overzise Vehicle Enforcement used in Washington, DC and Belle Isle, Florida. And another important specialized technology is Railroad Crossing Enforcement used in South and Central Florida by Brightline’s high-speed passenger trains as well as the City of Orlando. 

We’re Growing and Growing!

NovoaGlobal has grown exponentially over the past year and we are looking forward to the same type of growth in 2025. We have our loyal customers and employees to thank and we look forward to many more years of changing driving behavior through automated enforcement so that everyone can arrive home safely. 

Contact Us

Interested in talking to our experts about using automated enforcement in your community? Contact Us: 888-666-4218, Ext. 6 for East Coast and Ext. 7 for West Coast.  We can also be reached at [email protected]