Labor Day Drive Safely
Labor Day weekend symbolizes the end of summer for many Americans and is celebrated with parties, street parades and athletic events. Holidays are also often a cause for celebrations involving alcohol consumption, a major contributing factor to motor-vehicle crashes. The National Safety Council (NSC) estimates 455 people may die on U.S. roads this Labor Day holiday period.
Travel is Up this Holiday
AAA booking data shows that travel is up for the holiday weekend compared to 2022. Most travelers will leave on Thursday or Friday to take advantage of the long holiday weekend. Seattle, Orlando, Anchorage, New York and Las Vegas are the top five U.S. destinations this year, according to AAA.
Photo Enforcement Can Help Keep Communities Safe
Photo enforcement can be a law enforcement force multiplier, especially with LE shortages and increased travel over the holidays. Photo enforcement can fill the gap. Interested in using red light or speed cameras in your community? Contact Us: 888-666-4218, Ext. 6 for East Coast and Ext. 7 for West Coast. We can also be reached at [email protected]
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