Happy Thanksgiving – Designate a Driver
Make A Plan to Get Home Safely - Designate a Driver
NovoaGlobal wishes you a Happy Thanksgiving. It’s a time to spend eating and drinking with family and friends, it’s also a time to make a plan to get home safely with a designated driver.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) , the Thanksgiving period begins the night before the holiday, which is often reserved for meeting up with old friends — and may involve drinking. In 2022, 100 drivers were involved in fatal traffic crashes on Thanksgiving Eve — 35% of those drivers were drunk.
From 2018-2022, 833 people were killed in drunk driving crashes during the Thanksgiving holiday. This year, before you get behind the wheel, remember that even a small amount of alcohol can affect a person quickly.
Plan Ahead for a Safe Celebration
- Always drive 100% sober. Even one alcoholic beverage could be one too many.
- Plan ahead: Before you have even one drink, designate a sober driver to get you home safely. If you wait until you’ve been drinking to make this decision, you might not make the best one.
- You have options to get home safely: designate a sober driver or call a taxi or rideshare. Getting home safely is always worth it.
- If it’s your turn to be the designated driver, take your job seriously and don’t drink.
- If you see a drunk driver on the road, contact local law enforcement.
- If you have a friend who is about to drink and drive, take the keys away and let a sober driver get your friend home safely.
In a time of gratitude, warmth and gathering, all drivers are reminded to keep the Thanksgiving holiday spirit alive by making responsible choices and prioritizing the safety of all road users. Drive 100% sober, because Buzzed Driving Is Drunk Driving. For more information on impaired driving, visit www.nhtsa.gov/risky-driving/drunk-driving.
Contact Us
Automated Enforcement changes driving behaviors. Interested in using automated enforcement in your community? Contact Us: 888-666-4218, Ext. 6 for East Coast and Ext. 7 for West Coast. We can also be reached at [email protected]
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