Slow Down, Watch for Pedestrians

  • Be alert for trick-or-treaters on Halloween. Slow down and continue to scan the road in areas where they are likely to be or where sight distances are limited.
  • On Halloween there will likely be more pedestrians on the roads and in places where they are not expected. Slower speeds save lives.
  • Stay alert for pedestrians who may come out from between parked cars or behind shrubbery. Stop, wait for them to pass.
  • Don’t look at your phone when you’re driving. Your attention needs to always be on the road.
  • If you see a drunk driver on the road, contact law enforcement.

Pedestrian Tips - Stay Alert

  • Walk on a sidewalk if one is available and use crosswalks. 
  • Before the Halloween festivities begin, create a “buddy system” to get each other home safely and prevent walking alone.

Tips for Party Hosts

Be a responsible party host and take action to make sure guests get home safely.

  • Serve plenty of food and provide non-alcoholic beverage options. 
  • Collect car keys from guests who are drinking.
  • Prepare to call taxis, rideshares, provide sleeping accommodations, or—if you’re sober—drive guests home yourself. 

Source: NHTSA –

Contact Us

Traffic safety is a concern on Halloween and every day at NovoaGlobal. Concerned about traffic safety in your community? contact one of our traffic enforcement experts at  888-666-4218, Ext. 6 for East Coast and Ext. 7 for West Coast.  We can also be reached at [email protected]