Albuquerque Begins Issuing Citations
Drivers who speed will receive a fine notice
ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, UNITED STATES, May 25, 2022/EINPresswire.com/ — Albuquerque begins issuing citations for its automated speed enforcement program May 25, 2022, to encourage safe driving. The automated speed enforcement system began with a 30-day warning period giving motorists time to change their driving habits before payable Fine Notices begin May 25th. During the warning period, over 2,000 warnings were issued in under a month.
One of the most important goals of Albuquerque’s automated speed enforcement program is saving lives and protecting the most vulnerable populations. Accidents from speeding are preventable. Speed is one of the biggest determinants in whether an accident results in a serious injury or fatality, and reducing speeds to the posted speed limits will save lives.
The safety program uses fixed speed cameras to enforce the 40 mph speed limit. The automated speed monitoring camera systems capture photos and videos of violators who recklessly speed. If a driver speeds, the driver receives an Automated Speed Enforcement System Fine Notice from the Albuquerque Police Department sent to the car’s registered owner. Photo evidence will be on the Fine Notice and all photo and video evidence will be available online at https://zerofatality.com/ for the driver to review.
Currently, there are three cameras while three more locations have been identified where speed cameras will be installed over the coming months. Eventually, more cameras will be added for a total of ten cameras.
“Speeding is a preventable cause of deadly collisions and life-altering injuries. NovoaGlobal is bringing the latest photo enforcement technology to Albuquerque in a citywide effort that we believe can really make an impact and change the driving culture. These photo enforcement systems are being implemented in Albuquerque in order to educate road users, enforce traffic laws, creating a safer community for Albuquerque’s families and visitors,” said Carlos Lofstedt, President and CEO of NovoaGlobal, Inc. the company that provides the advanced photo enforcement technology. “During the warning period, we see that 21% of vehicles are currently speeding 11 miles over the speed limit. If a driver continues to speed, they will be caught by the system.”
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